Board of Education

2022 Salida School Board July2022 Spring Salida School Board2021 School Board

2022 Spring Salida School Board

2021 School Board

The mission of the Salida School District shall be to strive to provide a safe environment for all students and staff. Meaningful opportunities and innovative educational programs shall be provided for all students so that they reach their learning potential, including the attainment of content standards, through partnerships between home, school, and the community.

The Salida School Board is a group of volunteer citizens that dedicate themselves to ensure that the heart of the community, our schools, are healthy. They oversee policies, systems and the superintendent. They do not oversee the minutia of classroom activity. Citizens concerned with individual student needs should contact the teacher and principal. The board loves input from other community members as they try to represent what the school is and should be to Salida at large. Board policies are posted at the Colorado Association of School Boards.

All Board of Education meetings are public meetings and the community is always welcome. There are BOE Meeting Protocols for participating in the meeting. Participants are encouraged to understand those protocols so that his or her voice can be best heard. Agendas are posted by the Friday prior to the Regular Board Meeting.

Salida School District May Adopted January 12, 2021- Five Director Districts
Salida School District 01/12/21 Director District Detailed Map

Upcoming Meetings are posted on the Board Agendas and Minutes page

Board Members

The Salida School District Board of Education prefers that email communication to the board be sent to [email protected]. Emails to this address will be sent to all board members, the school board secretary, and the superintendent. 

Karen Lundberg
Elected 2023, Term Expires 2027
[email protected]

Jodi Breckenridge Petit - Vice-President
Re-elected 2021, 2023, Term Expires 2027
[email protected]

Mandy Paschall 
Elected 2021, Term Expires 2025
[email protected]

Joe Smith - President
Re-elected 2021, Term Expires 2025
[email protected]

Jenn Schuchman
Appointed 2021, Elected 2023, Term Expires 2025
[email protected]
*Note the election for the four-year term for this seat will be held in 2025.


Matthew Hobbs - Treasurer
Appointed 2021, Elected 2023, Term Expires 2027
[email protected]

Ben Hill
Appointed 2022, Elected 2023, Term Expires 2025*
[email protected]
*Note the election for the four-year term for this seat will be 2025. 

Board Member Qualifications

To be qualified, a candidate must have been a registered elector of the school district for at least 12 consecutive months before the election and a resident of the director district which will be represented. A person is ineligible to run for school director if he or she has been convicted of committing a sexual offense against a child.

The next election for the Salida School District R-32-J School Board will be held with the regular general election in November of 2025. 

For more information, please contact School Board Secretary Kim LeTourneau at [email protected].

If you are considering running for the School Board, please visit CASB's campaign resource page (Colorado Association of School Boards) website for more information and answers to many common questions. They have links for information about what Board members do, how to become a candidate, resources and an FAQ. 

Thank you to the Salida School District Board of Education for all your hard work and dedication!

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