Staff Resources

The Basics

The "S" Drive  Employees will find a variety of documents here, from HR forms, conference requests, District Directory, Standard Response Protocol, and more. You must be logged into your Salida Schools email account for access. 
Infinite Campus Staff Logon
TimeClock Plus Logon Page
Employee Access Logon Page (Paystubs)

Mandatory Trainings

Salida School District Employee Handbook 2023-2024
2023-24 Mandatory HR Trainings Guide

The Employee Handbook is a one-stop spot for information about being an employee with Salida Schools.  Many of these trainings within the series provide the necessary support to find success at Salida Schools. The mandatory employee handbook trainings cover topics such as: communication tools and expectations; benefits; TimeClock Plus; evaluations; payroll and employee access; leave and comp time; and professional development.

2023-2024 Mandatory All Staff Safety Training Guide 

Regulation and compliance are critical to running a successful school district. Mandatory safety trainings are intended to efficiently share essential topics with employees and help those who need additional support. On the linked document, each topic requires that a staff member is logged into their Salida Schools Email account for access. Training topics include things such as: mandatory reporting; emergency operating plans and standard response protocols; blood borne pathogens and allergen management; sexual harassment; confidentiality; suicide prevention; anti-bullying, homelessness support; and seizure response.

2023-24 Mandatory IC Training Guide
2023-24 Mandatory Instructional Training Guide

The mandatory instructional training series is focused on how to ensure teachers know where to find curricular and instructional expectations for the Salida Schools.  Many of these trainings provide the necessary support to find success at Salida Schools. The mandatory instructional training series covers topics such as: substitute plans; infinite campus usage; MTSS and differentiation; WHHW or the teaching and learning cycle; lesson plans; state standards; curriculum maps and pacing calendars.

Collaborative Bargaining Team

Click here to learn more about the CBT process, team and goals for the year. 

Support Request Forms

Maintenance (SchoolDude)
Transportation Trip Request (School Dude)
Technology Request Form

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